In the Name of Cricket, Are We Losing Hope for Other Sports?

There is no doubt that cricket is the dearest and most valued sport of Pakistan. So much so that we often neglect the importance and relevance of other 50 or more existing sports of Pakistan. That’s right, you heard it well. There are at least, approximately 50 games that are being played all over Pakistan and yet no one actually have more than a clue about it.

This past March, there happened to be an anticipated 4th inter provincial games, held after almost 10 years of long awaited gap. However, unfortunately due to the fact of collision with then going PSL’18 matches, the most ambitious event got over shadowed.

With around 1600 participants, all under 25 and 42 exciting competitions, it was nothing but a shame that the media coverage and public interest was nothing less than a mere annual day show, when the event was an all Pakistan inter-provincial level.

Fireworks on the opening ceremony.


Peshawar being the host city of the event, was as organized and well-behaved as one could ever imagine for a state level occasion to be. All cheers to the efficient manager, Mr. Asif Urrakzai for his warm welcome and well-organized premises. Though the occasion and the event were amazingly managed, the fireworks and the accompanied opening ceremony was one of its kind, keeping in mind the limited resources that we have in this country for any other sport.  

Opening Event.


Punjab was on its full swing with more than enough representatives and winning banners under their name. However, Sindh clean sweeps the arena of swimming by presenting the youngest swimmer, Humza Khaliq 14, winning 2 gold and 3 silvers on the team.  Also, Aamir Motiwala with 6 Golds 3 Silver, Kawas Aga with 7 golds, Mehrwan Patel with 7 Golds, Amman Munawar with 1 Sliver and, Babar Majeed with 3 Gold 6 Silver, secures a high place for the prestige of Sindh team through out the event.

 Left to Right: Kawas Aga, Meherwan Patel, Amman Munawar, Aamir Motiwala.


Baber Majeed and Humza Khaliq wearing bembel backpacks.

Zameer-ul-Hassan, Coach

Participants from Sindh.


Which was indeed strikingly amazing due to the fact that we actually lack a provision of even a proper 50-meter pool for practice. Nevertheless, the event was a success if not popular. And there were few supporters, who unlike many believes in the up-rising of all corners.

Bembel, is proud to announce to be one of those exceptional supporting pillars for the participants. It was eye-opening and refreshing to witness such talents. And that despite the un-welcoming condition in Pakistan, we witnessed that the sports scene in Karachi and many other cities are prevailingly wealthy.

While talking with the mother of Humza Khaliq, youngest swimmer from Sindh as she defines the whole experience to be magical, empowering and yet somewhat neglected. “We only had few valuable names like Bembel as our supporting back for Sindh team but other than these few names, there was a complete lack of support especially from Sindh, which is quite sad keeping in mind that we clean sweep the swimming competition indicating that we do have talent here.”


The truth is that the sports scene in our country is in climbing state and if not for our support, soon Pakistan will lose the rising stars of their respective games. We have to understand that the betterment lies in growing from all arenas and not just focusing more and more on one.

Humza Khaliq, gold and silver winner from Sindh team wearing his Bembel Sports bag.

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Participant from Sindh team wearing his Bembel sports bag.

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A look caught is action, Participants wearing their Bembel Sports satchels.
Aala Rahman